Category Noticia

Slim Foundation offers a free Basic Computing course

Computing is a fundamental pillar in the digital era and has experienced exponential growth, becoming an essential component in various aspects of society. This discipline, which amalgamates knowledge from engineering, electronics, mathematics, and logic, stands as the driving force behind…

Learn microservices with IBM: Free online course

In the world of software development, microservices represent a revolutionary approach to designing and deploying applications. This architecture, which breaks down applications into small, independent elements, is gaining traction due to its ability to facilitate innovation, scaling, and straightforward implementation.…

Free ISO 9001 Course

The ISO 9001 standard, internationally recognized as the benchmark for quality management systems, has become a cornerstone in ensuring excellence in organizational operations. Established in the 1980s and subsequently revised in 2000 and 2015, this standard outlines the requirements an…

CISCO Launches Free Course to train Guardians in Cybersecurity


In an increasingly interconnected digital world, the defense of computer networks is an unavoidable imperative. The protection of data, applications, and systems has become a crucial task to preserve the integrity of our technological infrastructure. Network security, understood as safeguarding…