This free course will teach you how to resolve conflicts using your voice


In the workplace, soft skills play a crucial role in successfully interacting. These interpersonal and social skills, such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, creativity, adaptability, and emotional intelligence, complement technical skills and contribute to performance and productivity.

Recognizing the importance of these skills, Vértice, eLearning innovation, a leading platform in digital training, has launched a new free online course that focuses on enhancing techniques for winning debates, a fundamental skill in various professional fields.

The course on debate-winning techniques addresses both basic and in-depth aspects of socialization, helping participants understand the differences between socialization and sociability.

Through this program, students will discover social roles and learn to handle conflicts that may arise. Additionally, practical tools will be provided to develop basic and complex social skills, enabling participants to identify and master different types and styles of communication.

The course on debate-winning techniques is aimed at students, teachers, professionals, and enthusiasts in the fields of politics and government administration. It is also relevant for those working in areas such as administration, sociology, social sciences, law, and legislation. Even entrepreneurs and business people interested in contracting with the government will benefit from this course.

Vértice, eLearning innovation, is a renowned platform with over 40 years of experience in the digital training sector in Spain and Latin America. Its commitment to quality and innovation positions it as a leader in the development of online learning solutions.

With a team of over 200 professionals, Vértice is dedicated to creating online courses tailored to market needs. In addition to its corporate focus, the platform offers a wide range of free courses on various topics.


If you want to enhance your communication, argumentation, and persuasion skills, this course on debate-winning techniques is an invaluable opportunity.

The ability to participate effectively in debates will not only set you apart in the workplace but also assist you in your everyday life.

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Don’t miss the opportunity to strengthen your skills and achieve better results in your interactions.

Register now for the course on debate-winning techniques offered by Vértice, eLearning innovation.

Access the course using the following link.

Julio Del Angel
Julio Del Angel

Information about courses, scholarships, programs, tutorials, whatever I find.

Articles: 2876

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