Prestigious university launches free course to learn databases


In the information age, databases have become a fundamental tool for storing, managing, and accessing large amounts of data efficiently.

Their application spans a wide variety of sectors and disciplines, from businesses and education to content management systems and more.

Learning how to create and manage databases is essential to fully leverage this powerful technology and open up new opportunities in the job market.

Course for Creating Databases from Scratch

If you’re interested in delving into the fascinating world of databases, we present to you the course “Creating Databases from Scratch” offered by the prestigious Universidad del Rosario.

This training program will provide you with the necessary knowledge to design and manage databases effectively, opening doors to an exciting and in-demand career.

Throughout the course, you will explore the historical foundations of databases and learn to create relational models that ensure data integrity.

You will dive into the SQL language and discover how to manipulate and query data using advanced approaches.

This course is designed for both those who wish to acquire skills in database design and administration from scratch, as well as those who already have prior knowledge and want to expand their experience in the field.


No previous programming experience is required, although an intermediate level of English is recommended as the course is taught in this language. However, English subtitles are provided to facilitate understanding.

The course is led by Professor Héctor Arturo Flórez Fernández, a renowned database expert from the Universidad del Rosario.

Don’t miss the opportunity to develop essential skills in the field of databases and enhance your professional profile.

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Take advantage of this opportunity to advance your professional career in the exciting world of databases!

Access the course using this link.

Julio Del Angel
Julio Del Angel

Information about courses, scholarships, programs, tutorials, whatever I find.

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