
Learn Web Development from Scratch with this Free Course

Web development is a constantly growing and in-demand field in the digital world. For those who want to delve into this exciting area, it is essential to have solid knowledge of languages such as HTML and CSS.

These two languages are fundamental for defining the structure, content, and style of a web page, and they form the basis of the majority of websites on the internet.

With the aim of helping those interested in learning web development, a free course has been created that provides the opportunity to acquire skills in HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap 4.

The Web Development Course has been developed by Ignacio Bluuweb, a recognized expert in the field.

This course is aimed at beginners with no prior knowledge of web development and focuses on providing the necessary foundations for creating attractive and functional web designs.

Throughout the course, participants will learn the basics of HTML, CSS, and Flexbox, as well as web layout and the creation of a real project using HTML and CSS.

Additionally, students will be introduced to the world of Bootstrap 4, a popular tool that facilitates the creation of responsive and optimized designs for different devices.


Only basic computer skills at a user level are required.

The course consists of a total of 46 video lessons, with a total duration of 2 hours and 46 minutes. During this time, students will be able to master the fundamentals of HTML and CSS, as well as learn to work with Visual Studio Code, a widely used tool in web development.

Upon completing the course, participants will be able to create dynamic, interactive, and responsive websites. They will have a solid grasp of key HTML and CSS concepts and will be familiar with Bootstrap 4, enabling them to create modern designs tailored to different devices.

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Enroll now and embark on your journey to success in web development! To access the course, visit the following link:

Web Development with HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap! From Scratch Course.

Julio Del Angel
Julio Del Angel

Information about courses, scholarships, programs, tutorials, whatever I find.

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