IBM offers an introductory course to SCRUM


The agile methodology, SCRUM, has revolutionized project management in the business world, allowing teams to develop products and services efficiently and flexibly.

This approach, based on the idea of learning through experience and experimentation, is supported by values, principles, and practices that drive continuous improvement.

What is SCRUM and How Does It Work?

SCRUM is an agile framework that promotes efficiency and flexibility in project development. It is based on team self-organization, adaptability to project needs, and the delivery of functional products at the end of each cycle, known as a sprint.

Key roles in SCRUM include the Product Owner, the Scrum Master, and the Development Team, with essential meetings being Sprint Planning, Daily Scrum, Sprint Review, and Sprint Retrospective.

Introduction to Scrum Master Course

The course offered by IBM, titled “Introduction to the Scrum Master Profession,” is a fundamental part of certification programs in Scrum and Agile Project Management on Coursera.

Its main objective is to provide an overview of the Scrum Master role, the fundamentals of SCRUM, and the essential skills to excel in this profession.

Additionally, the course explores job opportunities, requirements, and salary ranges for Scrum Masters in the current market.


This course, with a duration of approximately 9 hours, is conducted in English, but offers subtitles in multiple languages to reach a global audience.

Its content is diverse and includes videos, readings, quizzes, and assessments to ensure comprehensive and effective learning. It is worth noting that the course has received an average rating of 4.7 out of 5, based on positive reviews from 34 students.

The course is structured into four modules covering the basics of the Scrum Master role, comparisons between SCRUM and traditional project management, job opportunities in this field, and a practical activity challenging students to conduct a SWOT analysis of the Scrum Master role.

How to Access the Course?

This course is available on the Coursera platform and can be accessed for free following certain steps.

You need to select the “audit the course” option, which allows access to video content, though without the ability to take exams or obtain a completion certificate.

You can access the course page through this link.

Julio Del Angel
Julio Del Angel

Information about courses, scholarships, programs, tutorials, whatever I find.

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