Do you want to get certified in JavaScript? CISCO offers its Free course for beginners


The JavaScript programming language has become an indispensable tool for web and application development.

With its ability to add interactivity and dynamism to web pages, as well as its versatility in mobile, desktop, and server application development, learning JavaScript offers numerous benefits and career opportunities.

JavaScript is essential for advancing your career in the programming world and provides you with the necessary tools to stand out in the job market.

This language enables you to create dynamic and interactive web pages, and its versatility extends to mobile and desktop application development. Additionally, having JavaScript skills allows you to access more advanced and higher-paying development roles.

The JavaScript Essentials course, offered by Cisco Networking Academy in collaboration with the JavaScript Institute, provides a unique opportunity to learn the fundamentals of JavaScript and computer programming from scratch.

This course is perfect for beginners, as no prior programming experience is required.

Throughout the course, you will develop key skills such as algorithmic thinking, problem analysis, and JavaScript program development.


The course will also provide you with a solid understanding of how programs are interpreted and executed in different computer environments.

With a duration of 40 hours, the course offers flexibility in terms of study pace, and you can access it online in English or Spanish.

Upon completing the course, you will receive a recognized Certificate of Achievement and be prepared to obtain the JSE – Certified Entry-Level JavaScript Programmer certification from the OpenEDG JavaScript Institute.

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Take advantage of this flexible learning opportunity and earn a recognized Certificate of Achievement that validates your JavaScript skills.

Enroll today and discover how this course can make a difference in your professional trajectory. Access the course using this link.

Julio Del Angel
Julio Del Angel

Information about courses, scholarships, programs, tutorials, whatever I find.

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