Category Noticia

Learn to write faster: This website teaches you for FREE

Typing is a technique of writing using a typewriter or electronic keyboards, essential for writers, designers, and programmers. It has also become a fundamental skill for students and professionals in various fields. Its importance lies in the speed, neatness, and…

3 Free courses from Harvard University that you can take from home

Learning is a fundamental aspect for adaptability, personal development, workplace competitiveness, mental health, and personal satisfaction. Staying updated with new skills and knowledge is essential to face the changing challenges of our environment. As Albert Einstein stated, “Once you stop…

Free Python course for programmers: How to get it

Python is a high-level, open-source programming language that has gained a prominent position in the world of technology. Its simple and clear syntax allows for the easy expression of complex ideas, making it an ideal choice for Artificial Intelligence. The…

Looking to Learn Java? This free course will help you

Java, a programming language renowned for its versatility and simplicity, continues to stand out as a prominent choice in the programming world. With the ability to create software for various operating systems, its uniquely compiled and interpreted nature sets it…