
All Free UNAM Courses for Learning from Home

The National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) is renowned as one of the largest and most prestigious universities in Mexico, as well as one of the most recognized in Latin America and the world.

With over 100 majors and a student population exceeding 300,000, its main campus, Ciudad Universitaria, holds the UNESCO World Heritage status.

UNAM, true to its commitment to education and the dissemination of knowledge, offers an excellent opportunity for education and professional growth through a variety of free online courses.

These free courses serve as a testament to the essential role that universities play in the education and academic preparation of millions of individuals.

Below is a list of some of the free UNAM online courses available on Coursera:


  • Scientific Thinking
  • Introduction to Data Science: Statistical Programming with R
  • Introduction to Java
  • How to Write a Thesis
  • Urban and Peri-urban Agriculture
  • Self-construction of Housing
  • Learning
  • Robotics

These are just a few examples of the free online courses that UNAM offers through Coursera.

If you wish to see the complete list, you can do so by following this link.

Whether you are looking to expand your knowledge or enhance your professional skills, these courses can be an excellent choice.

Julio Del Angel
Julio Del Angel

Information about courses, scholarships, programs, tutorials, whatever I find.

Articles: 2924

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