
Learn web development for free with these unmissable resources

Technology plays an essential role in our daily lives, surrounding us in every activity and enabling great advancements.

Behind every website and application that facilitates our lives, there are web developers, experts in the creation and programming of these sites.

In the field of web development, professionals are responsible for creating pages and applications for the Internet, intranets, and private networks. Their main focus is on programming and coding, ensuring the proper functioning of websites.

Web development encompasses various areas, such as web design, programming, database management, and content publishing.

Developers use a wide variety of tools and techniques to carry out their work, from text editors for manual coding to specialized platforms for web development.

From simple websites to complex applications and social media platforms, web development encompasses everything we use online on a regular basis. Thanks to web developers, we can enjoy a wide range of tools and websites.

If you are interested in venturing into the world of web development or looking to expand your knowledge, you’re in luck.

We have compiled a comprehensive list of free resources that will be of great help to you on your journey:

Plataformas de aprendizaje:


Hosting Gratis:


Plataformas de pruebas de programación:




Sitios web para encontrar trabajo remoto:










Canales de Youtube:

🔗 Traversy Media
🔗 FreeCodeCamp
🔗 The Net Ninja
🔗 Google Chrome Developers
🔗 The New Boston
🔗 Derek Banas
🔗 Academind


🔗 Syntax
🔗 Fullstack radio
🔗 The Changelog
🔗 The Laracasts Snippet
🔗 Front End Happy Hour
🔗 JavaScript Jabber Archives
🔗 Commit Your Code!
🔗 Shop Talk
🔗 Ladybug Podcast
🔗 CodePen Radio
🔗 JAMStack Radio
🔗 Modern Web

Editores de codigo:

🚀 Visual Studio Code [VS Code]
🚀 Sublime Text
🚀 Atom
🚀 Brackets
🚀 Vim

Paletas de Colores:






Librerias para animaciones:

⧩ Animista
⧩ CSShake
⧩ Animate.css
⧩ AnimeJS
⧩ GreenSock (GSAP)
⧩ Magic Animations
⧩ Hover css
⧩ AniJS
⧩ Wicked CSS
⧩ Tuesday
⧩ Mo.js
⧩ Bounce.js
⧩ Snap.svg

Graficos/Visualizacion de datos:

📊 Chart.js
📊 D3.js
📊 three.js

Join Facialix’s official channel for more news, courses, and tutorials

Extensiones de Chrome:

🔖 Web Developer
🔖 CSSViewer
🔖 Wappalyzer
🔖 JSONView
🔖 Lorem Ipsum Generator

Herramientas de optimizacion de sitios web:

⚡ Google PageSpeed Insights
⚡ GTmetrix
⚡ WebPageTest
⚡ Yslow


Information about courses, scholarships, programs, tutorials, whatever I find.

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