
Free artificial intelligence courses offered by Coursera

From the automation of mundane tasks to precise medical diagnostic assistance, Artificial Intelligence has firmly established itself in various facets of our society.

As a result, learning about AI has become a crucial decision for those seeking to stay up-to-date in this technological revolution. Furthermore, the demand for AI experts continues to rise in the global job market.

For those looking to embark on this discipline and develop their skills in artificial intelligence, Coursera, a renowned online education platform, offers a selection of free courses that cover a wide range of AI-related topics.

These courses provide a solid and accessible foundation for those eager to delve into the field of Artificial Intelligence.

It’s worth noting that to register for them for FREE, you must select the “Full Course, No Certificate” or “Audit Only” option. You can view the courses below:

The Economics of AI

This course analyzes the nature of artificial intelligence and information theory, as well as the impact of technological change on the economy.It examines how technological change drives economic growth and its influence on employment.

Additionally, this course introduces students to cutting-edge research in AI economics and its implications for economic growth and the job market.

Access the course through this link.

Artificial Intelligence: Ethics and Social Challenges

This course focuses on the ethical and social aspects of artificial intelligence, including algorithmic bias, the influence of AI on democracy, awareness and responsibility, and control.


Its aim is to foster reflection and debate on the ethical implications of AI use in society.

Access it through this link.

Introduction to Machine Learning on AWS

This course provides an introduction to machine learning and covers the difference between artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning.Participants will learn how to build, train, and deploy machine learning models.

The course also explores how AI can enhance existing and future solutions across a variety of applications.

You can enroll through this link.

Introduction to Embedded Machine Learning

This course offers an overview of machine learning, a branch of artificial intelligence that uses data and algorithms to solve problems and simulate the human learning process.

The course includes segments on how to use machine learning in embedded systems and provides the concepts and vocabulary necessary to understand the fundamentals of machine learning.

Find the course through this link.

Julio Del Angel
Julio Del Angel

Information about courses, scholarships, programs, tutorials, whatever I find.

Articles: 2936

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