Databases are a key element in the world of technology and information management. They are used to store, organize, and retrieve data in different systems and applications.
Therefore, understanding how they work and how to work with them is essential for anyone interested in developing a career in the technology field.
Oracle, one of the leading companies in database solutions, has launched a free introductory course on databases (SQL) for beginners.
This 12-week course is designed to help students understand the basics of SQL and how to work with Oracle Database.
The course is available online and is self-paced, which means that students can start at any time and progress at their own pace.
Each week covers a different topic, from tables and columns to aggregation functions and transactions. In addition, the course includes live webcasts that allow students to interact with database experts and ask questions.
The course is completely free and does not require access to an Oracle database. While it is especially useful for those with no prior experience in SQL or Oracle Database, students with prior knowledge can also find valuable information in the course.
Once students complete all the exercises, they will receive a certificate accrediting their achievement in the course.
In addition, students who want to practice what they have learned can use LiveSQL, a free online tool that allows them to write SQL and apply the concepts they have learned in the course.
With the growing use of databases in all kinds of applications and systems, having skills in SQL and Oracle Database is becoming increasingly important.
What are you waiting for to become a database expert? Access the course using this link.
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Iam interested in this course
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I am interested in learning this course
I am interested in learning this course
Yes I am interested
Yes I am intrested.
I’m interested
I’m interested
I am interested in the online Oracle database class. Thanks for the opportunity.
I am interested in this course
Yes…I am interested to learn Oracle database.
yes iam realy intrested , its a wonderfull opportunity
i wont lose it
Yes…I am interested to learn Oracle database
Yes, am interested
I am interested
I am interested in learning this course
I am interested in this course,
I am interested
I am interested to join this course
Yeh I’m interested to learn this course
nicee too I am interested
Pls Iam interested so how can join
Yes I’m interested
I am also intrested for this course
Am interested on the course
I am interested
V.much interested HEN YOU YISI.
V.much interested.
SeeI am very interested
I am intersted for learning this course.
I am interested
I m also interested for this course
Yes I am interested
I’m ready
I am also doing this one now, which is more advanced, but it is free as well
I’m ready!!